How do I view and create users (employees) in the system?

How do I view and create users (employees) in the system?

Viewing and Managing Existing Users

To view users already in the system:
  1. Log in to the system (
  2. Go to Manage My Organization > Manage Users.

    The Users tab displays with all your users listed.
  3. Click the Gear  icon to edit a user's details.
  4. Click the Eye  icon if you wish to prevent a user from accessing the system. This should be used if you don't want a user to log in, but you don't want to delete their training history.
  5. Click the Delete  icon, if you need to delete a user. 
    Important: Deleting a user will delete that user's entire training history. It does NOT allow you to reassign any licenses associated with that user to another party.

Adding New Users

Manually Creating New Users

To add new user to the system:
  1. Click the Add user+ button at the top right of the page. 

    The Create User page displays. 

  2. Complete the fields on this page. Note the following:
    1. All fields noted with a red exclamation point  are required. At a minimum, you will need to enter the following for each new user you create:
      1. Username 
      2. First name
      3. Last name
      4. New password
      5. Email address
    2. Email is a required field. However, if an employee (user) does not have an email, you can enter your own email or a fake email. 
  3. Check the User must change password on login checkbox. This will require your users to change their password to something unique to them when they first log in.
  4. Click the Create User button. The Users page reloads with the new user added. 
Please note, by purchasing a license(s) from METALFORM EDU, and using the course content in the license, your company agrees that any fees/charges/requirements related to the purchase are a no-fee basis to the employee(s). This includes not imposing payroll deductions, minimum employment periods, fees levied if an individual leaves that employment, or similar practices to recoup investment fees as a result of a company’s purchase of an EDU license and its content. All fees related to the purchase of an EDU license, and the use of its curriculum content, are the responsibility of the company. Employer may accept funds to offset training costs through a state or federal program.

Batch Uploading Users

If you have a large number of users you wish to create, you may want to batch upload them from a CSV file. The CSV file must be configured with the following column heads to import the users properly. Also note that the username must be all lowercase letters for it to upload.
  1. username
  2. firstname
  3. lastname
  4. email
  5. password
See the example below:

To import users to the system:
  1. Log in to the system (
  2. Go to Manage My Organization > Manage Users.

    The User tab of the Manage Organization page display.
  3. Click the Upload Users button. The Upload Users page displays. 

  4. Drag and drop the CSV file you created to the File field, and then click Upload users.
    A preview page will display, with the ability to configure the settings for the new users.
  5. Make sure the settings are configured as shown below (these are the defaults, so they should be). 

  6. Then click the Upload users button. The Upload Users Results page displays, showing whether the users were successfully created and any errors in the process, as noted in the bottom of the page.

  7. Click the Continue button. You are returned to the Upload Users page. 
    1. Follow the process above to upload more users, or
    2. Return to Manage My Organization > Manage Users to view your users.
Your next steps are to provide these users licenses and enroll them in content (courses and/or programs).

Uploading Users with Course Enrollments

If you wish to also batch upload course enrollments for your users, please follow the batch upload instructions above, but you should add in two new columns for each course in which you wish to enroll learners:
  1. course1 (add a different column incrementing this title - e.g. course2, course3) for each additional course you wish to enroll the user in)
  2. role1 (the number of role columns needs to correspond with the number of courses you are enrolling the user in - e.g. role2, role3, etc.) 
See below the format for an example upload file that would enroll David Klotz and William Koppes in 3 courses each as a student.

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